Sisterlocks & Brotherlocks

Certified Training Associate

Sisterlocks Distributor

"R" Certified Sisterlocks Image Consultant

Brand Ambassador

Lilla Rose Stylist

The Sisterlocks Package

Authorized Consultants offer Sisterlocks as a package of three visits, including Consultation, the Locking Session and a Follow-up Visit.
  • First Visit: The Consultation

    During this session we will discuss your personal hair care history, your styling preferences and your lifestyle in order to dertermine if Sisterlocks is right for you.

  • Second Visit: The Locking Session

    The locking process can take from 10 to 15 hours or even longer in some cases. You will be provided with a "Starter Kit" that includes the proper shapoo for starting your locks, tiny rubber bands and "tip sheets" on grooming and shampooing as your locks settle-in.

  • Third Visit: Follow-up

    You will need to schedule your follow-up visit after at least two shampooings, which is usually within a month from the time you first get your locks put in.

  • Ongoing Follow-up Visits

    We recommend that you schedule your first re-tightening visits at 4-6 week intervals. This way, the progress of your locks can be monitored.

    Styling & Mentoring

    SWFL Premiere Destintation for Sisterlocks

    A Little About Me

    Ann Marie Forrester
    Certified Training Associates | "R" Certified | Sisterlocks Image Consultant

    My name is Ann Marie, I have specialized in sisterlocks™ for the past 16 years. With my years of experience in hair care, I strive to offer my clients a positive atmosphere with all of their hair care needs. Read More

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